Anti-Racism Conversations (A JHLTB Mini-Series)
Facing Our F.E.A.R.S
with Rev. Dr. Anthony Scott
A 3 episode series of conversations based on Rev. Dr. Scott’s
framework to help us disrupt, discredit, and dismantle racism
within ourselves and larger systems of oppression.
Resources mentioned:
How does your faith tradition inform your approach to anti-racism? What does your faith tradition say about marginalized peoples? How does your faith tradition encourage your anti-racist work?
What resources can you find to educate yourself? Immerse yourself in books, social media, websites, podcasts to learn as much as you can. And be sure to pay BIPOC creators for their time, energy and expertise!
How will you hold yourself accountable for your behavior? How will you find a community to hold you accountable?
Get serious about reflecting on your actions, thoughts, and behaviors every day so that you can understand your own racist tendencies, and then you can change them!
Understand and address the grief and pain that accompanies racism.
A framework by Rev. Dr. Anthony Scott
Anthony’s definition of Racism:
Racism is the death dealing conjunction of ways of being (ontology), ways of knowing (epistemology), and meaning-making (psychology) derived from one racialized group being prescribed as normative for all persons without regard for ethnicity, heritage, racial identity.
If one falls short of the ethnocentric ideal, in mind, body, or spirit racists will seek to correct. If one will not be corrected, racism will seek to destroy you.